Sunday, November 30, 2008

Modern Interior Design

    How to Get a Cutting-Edge LookModern interior design is a new cutting edge style of design that is becoming more and more popular in interior design in homes, offices, hotels and many other places.The amazing thing about this type of design is that it gives a very impressive look to your place that people will be amazed about.A modern or contemporary interior design gives a rich, luxury look to

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Modern Interior Design

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Office Interior Design Ideas

    How to Get the Perfect Design for Your OfficeUsing a professional impressing office interior design for your office will make a special look to your business and company. Because just like the cover of a book, the design of your office says a lot of things to your clients and customers.That's why more and more professionals and businesses are hiring interior designers to create an impressing,

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Office Interior Design Ideas

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Decorating Ideas

    Christmas decorating in the Shabby Chic Cottage Style is defined as an elegant, comfortable, "lived in" feeling with a perfect mix of the old and the new.Here are a few simple steps for creating a shabby chic, cottage Christmas by turning your home or apartment into a place of warmth this holiday season!1. Choosing a color palette - Whites and creams are the staple colors for Shabby Chic style

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Christmas Decorating Ideas

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4UDECOR - Prendas de Natal

    Dezembro está à porta e já faltam poucas semanas para o Natal, epoca de oferta de prendas aos seus entes mais queridos e amigos. A 4UDECOR tem uma vasta quantidade de artigos / gifts para si. Venha visitar-nos e ofereça uma prenda especial. Encomende já:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais/Portugal

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4UDECOR - Prendas de Natal

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Pair of Art Deco Benches ( France c 1930's )

    I think these are beautiful.They are soooo Palm Beach.You just never know who's bottom sat on them. I would sandblast them and leave them in a natural iron finish. Imagine this pair of Art Deco Fireplace Benches recovered and sandblasted.They would really be a show-stopper , and would enhance the fireplace as the focal point in a room.Pair of fanciful wrought iron 1930's fireplace benches. The

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Pair of Art Deco Benches ( France c 1930's )

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4UDECOR - Ron Arad em Paris

    No DisciplineUma exposição a solo, Ron Arad no Centro Pompidou em Paris, abriu no passado dia 18 de Novembro de 2008. O espectacular designer mostra a sua criação com inumeras peças da Moroso entre outras. Victoria & Albert, Ripple Chair, Bookworm, Void, etc. A exposição irá depois até terras americanas, onde estará no MoMa em Nova York.No Discipline, CentroPompidou, 18 November 2008 - 16

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4UDECOR - Ron Arad em Paris

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

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Happy Thanksgiving!

        Wishing Everyone a Happy Thanksgiving   from our house to yours!!!   joni & ben webb elisabeth georgie & sammie jo  

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

        Wishing Everyone a Happy Thanksgiving   from our house to yours!!!   joni & ben webb elisabeth georgie & sammie jo  

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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    A 4UDECOR está agora também presente no directório Darco, ferramenta de grande utilidade para os arquitectos, não deixe de visitar este blog direcionado especialmente para profissionais.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tips for kid’s bedroom interior designing

    Your child’s bedroom is a place where he spends most of his time at home, we must pay special attention to organizing and planning of the Chamber.1. Always choose high-gloss paint for the children’s room, because it is can be washed.2. This is a great concept of the wall paintings are based on a theme of your child’s choice3. To save room space, buy multifunctional furniture for your child’s room

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Tips for kid’s bedroom interior designing

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Decorating a Child's Room

    8 Simple Strategies to Make You Both Happy!Decorating a Kids Room When it comes to decorating a child's room, your approach should be much different from decorating an adult bedroom.For kids, their bedroom is where they play games, read, listen to music, day-dream, or just go to be alone sometimes. So use these eight strategies to help create a space that will make you both happy: 1. Talk to

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Decorating a Child's Room

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Gallotti e Radice

    Mesa Rocky Mesa Lord XL / Candeeiro Vertigo Espelho Dream Vitrine Andy Porta CD`sGallotti & Radice foi a primeira fabrica italiana a experimentar e promover o vidro no sector do mobiliário. Usado com muita elegancia o vidro é combinado com outros materiais tais como a madeira e o metal. O seu design avangarde, as formas harmoniosas e mais importante atenção dada à qualidade e segurança dos

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Gallotti e Radice

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Guilty Pleasure #1: Goodbye Columbus

        In the spring of 1969, when I was 14, my entire family – including aunts, uncles and cousins - descended in masse on the downtown movie theatre to see the just released movie, Goodbye Columbus, based on Philip Roth’s first novella.  Filmed mainly in Westchester County, New York – the movie tells the story of a spoiled, Jewish princess, Brenda, and her summer romance with Neil, the  poor,

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Guilty Pleasure #1: Goodbye Columbus

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Guilty Pleasure #1: Goodbye Columbus

        In the spring of 1969, when I was 14, my entire family – including aunts, uncles and cousins - descended in masse on the downtown movie theatre to see the just released movie, Goodbye Columbus, based on Philip Roth’s first novella.  Filmed mainly in Westchester County, New York – the movie tells the story of a spoiled, Jewish princess, Brenda, and her summer romance with Neil, the  poor,

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Guilty Pleasure #1: Goodbye Columbus

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Bemelmans Bar

    Nowhere is the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie more palpable than in this bastion of post-war decadence: think white-jacket waiters, 24-karat gold leaf ceilings, and nickel-trimmed glass tables splayed around the ivories. Settle into a leather banquette and order something strong and adventurous—perhaps with champagne and cognac or fresh mint and muddled lemons. Murals of frolicking animals

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Bemelmans Bar

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4UDECOR - Cadeira Hero

    Para os dias de sol, cadeiras versáteis e resistentes que podem ser usadas no jardim, no terraço ou na varanda. Práticas e ecléticas, como a nova Hero - Calligaris. Desenhada por Archirivolto em polipropileno estampado com a técnica airmoulding. As cores disponiveis são branco, laranja, vermelho, verde e fucsia.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais /

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4UDECOR - Cadeira Hero

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Only Russian Tea Room In NYC

    Before heading to The Russian Tea Room, perhaps a bit of food for the heart and soul. The Carnegie is next door. The City. I love the contrast , constant contrast, and beautifully choreographed. I can't help showing so many awning shots, I get all excited with anticipation. This shot shows what it really looks like at night, when the lights are lowered. The Russian Tea Room is such a spectacular

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The Only Russian Tea Room In NYC

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Home Remodeling Tips

    Home Remodeling TipsRemodeling your home while giving it a high-end look and style is what each one of us wants for our house. Making the best out of the money spent and giving a new image to your home is what we talk about here. Bringing out the best in your house requires careful planning and organizing. Whether you are remodeling for selling purpose or to upgrade it to a modern lifestyle these

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Home Remodeling Tips

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Cómo decorar tu mesa de centro en Navidad

    Cuando llegan los días previos a la Navidad y comenzamos a decorar nuestra casa con detalles alusivos a estas fechas, cada ambiente empieza a tornarse más acogedor. El salón y el comedor son probablemente los ambientes de la casa en los que centramos la decoración navideña, debido a que en estos espacios recibimos a nuestros invitados, en especial en estas fiestas cuando se incrementan las reuniones.

    Decorar con originalidad cada rincón de tu salón comedor, hará que todo aquel que visite tu hogar por Navidad se lleve una grata impresión, además tú disfrutarás observando cada detalle. En esta oportunidad te brindamos ideas para decorar la mesa de centro del salón:

    Los centros de mesas alargados son una buena alternativa para grandes mesas de centro rectangulares. Los modelos más tradicionales son troncos navideños o trineos, acompañados de follaje verde, piñas, guirnaldas, etc. Coloca un camino de mesa para resaltar el centro.
    Las velas juegan un papel muy importante en la decoración de Navidad, ¿Que te parece si colocas una mini-colección como centro de mesa?. Puedes incluir velas de formas rectas (redonda, cuadrada, triangular, etc), en colores alusivos, combinadas con otras de formas navideñas (PapaNoel, hombre de nieve, árbol, etc).
    Elabora un sencillo y moderno centro de mesa. Los materiales que necesitas son: Un plato o fuente, una o más velas y popurrí. (Todo en los colores de la decoración navideña de tu casa), coloca las velas en el centro del plato y rodéala con el popurrí. Así de facil tendrás un aromático y decorativo centro de mesa.

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Cómo decorar tu mesa de centro en Navidad

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4UDECOR - Atlantis The Palm

    Crise, que crise? Dubai inaugura hotel de luxo com festa de US$ 20 milhõesDUBAI, 21 Nov 2008 (AFP) - Ignorando completamente a crise econômica mundial, Dubai inaugurou na noite de quinta-feira um novo hotel de luxo, construído numa ilha artificial, com uma festa extravagante de 20 milhões de dólares.Mais de 2.000 personalidades foram convidadas pela sociedade Kerzner International, do magnata

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4UDECOR - Atlantis The Palm

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Bath Tubs On Wheels

    As soon as they can get the other bath tub up here , we can finally get down to filming another great 'Cialis' commercial.And you thought showbiz was glamorous.( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

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Bath Tubs On Wheels

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jill Brown and Her Lighting Store: brown

        brown, the lighting and antique emporium After approaching Jill Brown for an interview, she graciously suggested that we talk over lunch at her house.  Jill is the owner of brown, Houston’s most distinctive lighting and antiques store.  She is an extremely interesting woman and someone I have longed admired.  A true visionary, ahead of the trends, Jill has created a brand that is

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Jill Brown and Her Lighting Store: brown

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Jill Brown and Her Lighting Store: brown

        brown, the lighting and antique emporium After approaching Jill Brown for an interview, she graciously suggested that we talk over lunch at her house.  Jill is the owner of brown, Houston’s most distinctive lighting and antiques store.  She is an extremely interesting woman and someone I have longed admired.  A true visionary, ahead of the trends, Jill has created a brand that is

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Jill Brown and Her Lighting Store: brown

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Petite Table Easel

    Who wouldn't love a Petite Easel for a desk or a table top ?You could display a photo, a painting, or a book.And it has lighting attached, how great is that ???22.75 H x 11 W x 10 .5 DIt could be fabulous in an office setting for the designer displaying beautiful sketches, maybe a book publisher displaying a clients possible book cover . They walk in , and pop, the light hits the art work that's

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Petite Table Easel

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4UDECOR - Claus Porto

    CLAUS PORTOA reprodução de sabonetes do século XIX transformou-se numa moda das elites internacionais e na decoração de interiores, numa inspiração Art Déco.A Claus Porto orgulha-se de apresentar as suas mais recentes colecções de luxuosos sabonetes. Cada sabonete das colecções Classico e Fantasia é embalado manualmente com extraordinários rótulos, seleccionados dos arquivos da Claus Porto.Nunca

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4UDECOR - Claus Porto

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

4UDECOR - Burj al Arab

    Hotel Burj al ArabRoyal Suite WC da Suite Presidencial Quarto Duplo Entrada Spa & Health Club Entrada para a Royal Suite

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4UDECOR - Burj al Arab

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It Looks Like ' Shark's Skin ' !

    When I first saw these tables I was all excited,I thought they were covered in Shark's Skin....One of the most special pieces of furniture that I have ever seen was a small French Art Deco bar ( celery green colored ) that I found in Paris on rue Jacob.It was covered in Shark's Skin and the lines of the piece were so simple yet clearly Deco. It even had the original tassel with a single

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It Looks Like ' Shark's Skin ' !

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A House for Sale in Illinois

        Angela, a reader from Houston, who is also now a client, emailed me the link to this house for sale in Illinois.  Listed for a cool $9.5 million – the house is 11,000 sq. ft of French styling.  While most Mac Mansions of this size are usually decorated with store bought furniture inspired by Tuscany – this decor is actually more Shabby Chic meets Sweden, an unusual combination for a house

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A House for Sale in Illinois

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A House for Sale in Illinois

        Angela, a reader from Houston, who is also now a client, emailed me the link to this house for sale in Illinois.  Listed for a cool $9.5 million – the house is 11,000 sq. ft of French styling.  While most Mac Mansions of this size are usually decorated with store bought furniture inspired by Tuscany – this decor is actually more Shabby Chic meets Sweden, an unusual combination for a house

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A House for Sale in Illinois

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Rosenthal Studio Line

    A Rosenthal apresenta colecções com as mais ousadas formas, criadas por designers mas também por escultores ou ceramistas, ilustradas pelos próprios ou por outros artistas do mundo das artes plásticas ou do design visual. Venha conhecer a Rosenthal em Cascais.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal

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Rosenthal Studio Line

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Jean Royere - 1935 French Art Deco Fire Screen

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Jean Royere - 1935 French Art Deco Fire Screen

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tendencias en la ropa de cama

    Es importante acertar en la elección de la ropa de cama. Ésta no sólo participa en nuestro descanso sino también decora el dormitorio.

    El algodón sigue siendo el material por excelencia con el que se confecciona la ropa de cama. Una sábana 100% algodón es más suave que una hecha con poliéster, y no genera pelusas. Además es perfecto para confeccionar la ropa infantil porque conserva el calor natural del cuerpo, deja circular mejor el aire, y no irrita la piel.

    Sin embargo, con el fin de obtener una sábana resistente y fácil de lavar, la tendencia pasa por mezclar, en mayor o menor proporción, el algodón con fibras sintéticas.

    Aunque el tradicional juego de cama, compuesto por sábanas, bajera, y colcha o edredón, se sigue vendiendo en un alto porcentaje, la generalización de las fundas nórdicas es cada vez mayor. Su principal ventaja radica en el hecho de que un mismo elemento sirve para todo el año, ya que sólo hace falta cambiar o quitar el relleno. Éste puede estar compuesto por plumas y plumón, el cual elimina la humedad y conserva mejor la temperatura corporal, o bien por fibras sintéticas, recomendables en caso de alergias.

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Tendencias en la ropa de cama

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Interior Design Color Trends for 2010

    Interior Trends for 2010 - Oriental Sweetness:After Woolmark has launched its new interior colour trends for 2010 /11 at the start of the New Year, it looks like Japanese Inspired themes are going to be prevalent. It is still early days as far as interior predictions for 2010 , but we are going to look into one of the trends that is looking hot for next year, Oriental Sweetness & produce a

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Interior Design Color Trends for 2010

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c1920 Gold Round Mirror From Spain - Surrounded By Leaves

    Like I said, everything that is old is NEW AGAIN ! This is a dead ringer for one of the many ' gold, round mirrors surrounded by gold leaves ' that is being sold everywhere . And if you have wanted one and you have been shopping.......the prices vary, from really cheap to expensive. But if you bought this.....when the current trend was over, you would have a reason for staying with the

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c1920 Gold Round Mirror From Spain - Surrounded By Leaves

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Katie did – She Really Did

        Most design blogs are written by people who love interior design.  Few, though, are written by actual interior designers themselves – true designers who make a living from the profession.  Those few standout designers who do write blogs bring a unique quality to the world of the design blogosphere.  Instead of posting endless pictures of other people’s work – they are able to show images of

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Katie did – She Really Did

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Katie did – She Really Did

        Most design blogs are written by people who love interior design.  Few, though, are written by actual interior designers themselves – true designers who make a living from the profession.  Those few standout designers who do write blogs bring a unique quality to the world of the design blogosphere.  Instead of posting endless pictures of other people’s work – they are able to show images of

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Katie did – She Really Did

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

c1940 - Silver Spanish Mirrors

    What do they say ,everything that is old, is new again ?Website ( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

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c1940 - Silver Spanish Mirrors

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Country Home Decor Gifts

    Rustic and country decor is one of the favorite styles of home decorations nowadays. Being one with nature and having a decor that complement your choice is simply a dream come true. And if you know someone who also enjoys country home decorations then selecting unique gifts for them is a complete pleasure. In this section of country home decor gifts we bring together different ideas to make the

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Country Home Decor Gifts

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Novelty Gifts For Home Decor

    Selecting novelty gifts for home decor is something that always seems to puzzle us. What to get that enhances the charm of the house. It should be useful, stylish and also have the novelty gift touch to it. There are different gift ideas for selecting the perfect novelty gift for a housewarming party or even for your own home decorations. Select from these unique novelty gifts and give your home

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Novelty Gifts For Home Decor

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Fall autumn Decorations ideas and inspirations

    Fall is here with a dip in temperature and changing colors outdoors. The weather is still warm yet the gorgeous hues of nature finally announce the advent of autumn. Most of us don’t have the time to drape the entire home decor with the fall collection. However with some simple items you can bring the outdoor fall spirit right into your living space. From some simple table

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Fall autumn Decorations ideas and inspirations

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4UDECOR - Bienal Arquitectura de Veneza 2008

    Segundo Aaron Betsky – director durante 6 anos do Instituto de Arquitecturta da Holanda em Roterdão, um dos mais prestigiados museus e centro de arquitectura do mundo e director desde 2007 do Museu de Arte de Cincinnati, EUA - a 11ª Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza em vez de mostrar edifios mostra sim instalações efectuadas por arquitectos para a sociedade. Betsky refere "a arquitectura não deve

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4UDECOR - Bienal Arquitectura de Veneza 2008

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Winter Home Interior Decorations

    Changing the interiors of your home as different seasons roll in is one of the simplest ways to deck your home interiors with a completely new look. With the holiday season soon advancing and the winter chills setting in it is once more time to give a fresh feel to your interior decorations. With some warm colors and soft fluffy fabrics welcome the winter season in style. In this section of

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Winter Home Interior Decorations

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Summer Home Decorations

    Summer is finally here and as the heat glares down on us, we try to find new and different ways to cool our surroundings, making our home surroundings comfortable and pleasant for us to stay. So let's take a look at these summers home decor tips and make our homes cooler welcoming the summers with a bright smile.Light Colors Are The Summer Style We are all aware that summer is

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Summer Home Decorations

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Copos de Vinho

    Um jantar romantico sem estes copos Pearl da Ritzenhoff não tem o mesmo significado. Saborei a qualidade desse nectar que oferece à sua amada nestes copos de design original, unicos e de elevada qualidade, pode igualmente iniciar a sua colecção. Aproveite os bons momentos que a vida lhe propociona.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal

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Copos de Vinho

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Truce: When Flowers Say it All

      It is no secret to faithful readers that this election season has been an exciting one in my household -  Fox News could have filmed one of Ben’s and my debates and aired it purely for comical enjoyment.   We were on opposite sides of the presidential election and most nights leading up to voting day were spent emotionally discussing the issues:  Obama’s tax plan, McCain’s choice of Palin,

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Truce: When Flowers Say it All

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Truce: When Flowers Say it All

      It is no secret to faithful readers that this election season has been an exciting one in my household -  Fox News could have filmed one of Ben’s and my debates and aired it purely for comical enjoyment.   We were on opposite sides of the presidential election and most nights leading up to voting day were spent emotionally discussing the issues:  Obama’s tax plan, McCain’s choice of Palin,

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Truce: When Flowers Say it All

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Discount Home Decorations Ideas

    Giving your home decor a unique style statement and that too in a budget is what this section on discount home decor ideas is about. Give your home a completely new look with some great discount home decoration tips for different rooms. These discount decor ideas are inexpensive and also give your rooms an attractive appearance. So read through these different home decor ideas and enter a

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Discount Home Decorations Ideas

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Tropical Home Interior Decorations Ideas

    Tropical home decor is the easiest way to feel the cool ambience of the islands around you. When one thinks of tropical interior decorations, one relates to sand, leisurely vacations and the tranquility of the Caribbean and Hawaiian islands. As you start conceptualizing the tropical interiors for your home, close your eyes and imagine the blue ocean and green vegetation around you. And what can

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Tropical Home Interior Decorations Ideas

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Cheap Home Decorations Ideas

    Decorating your home in the right way doesn’t always dig a hole in your wallet. It is simply letting your creativity run loose and adding some tit and bits. You will be surprised how by simply adding some wall accessories or painting one section of the house in a separate color can make all the difference. In this section of cheap home decor ideas we bring together different tips and ideas to

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Cheap Home Decorations Ideas

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Home Decorations Accessories - Antiques

    Home is a world that we call our own. It is the abode where you can come back and simply be yourself. A place that is cozy and inviting, making us smile each time we open the door. A lot goes into making our house a reflection of our taste and style. And this is where home decor accessories come in. With some personal elements, colors, artifacts and furnishing we turn a house into a home.Creating

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Home Decorations Accessories - Antiques

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Home Interior Decoration - furnishings and home accessories

    Home interior decor is one of the most personal and creative experiences that is shared by anybody as they step into their abode of joy and dreams. Creating the perfect home interiors for you is not something that can be done in haste. With the right wall colors, furnishings and home accessories, one creates the right look for each room.A home interior decoration is always a reflection of the

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Home Interior Decoration - furnishings and home accessories

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Unique Home Decor Ideas - Living Room Decorations

    Welcome to the special section on unique home decor ideas. If you are looking for ideas to decorate your home in a special and unique way then we have just the answer. When we look for unique and different ways to decorate our home interiors then the best way to go about it is by taking one step at a time. So let’s take a quick look at these different tips and ideas and adorn our homes in some

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Unique Home Decor Ideas - Living Room Decorations

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Rustic Home Decoration - ideas and tips

    Rustic home decor brings to mind the perfect ambience of the deep woods, the log huts and the peaceful mountain retreats. But is it always possible to be surrounded in this serene delight? Well the answer is Absolutely!!In the section of rustic home decorations we bring together ideas and tips to bring the rustic appeal of the outdoors within your home. With a bit of rustic interior decorations

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Rustic Home Decoration - ideas and tips

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4UDECOR - Material para Bibliotecas

    Dispomos de material especifico para bibliotecas desde estantes fixas e moveis, carrinhos para livros, moveis para cd`s e dvd`s, mesas de apoio, secretarias, balcões de atendimento, etc. Temos soluções para todos os espaços. Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal

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4UDECOR - Material para Bibliotecas

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Hip & New Antiques ?

    This is a perfect example of how great and antique or repo can look when upholstered in a contemporary fabric or style.Have fun with fabrics. "Make everything your own !"Not that you're listening,But I would do a bench seat ( one long seat cushion ).And make a couple of contrasting pillows.Multiple seat cushions look 'cheapo' to me .Multiple cushions came about from furniture manufacturers

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Hip & New Antiques ?

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

50 Ideas for modern barthroom

    1. Choose a bold color such as this tomato red to brighten up a space. Or simply keep the wall a lighter or neutral shade, and choose bold accent pieces. 2. Add a fabric-covered or built-in valance above the tub to accentuate your shower curtain. 3. Wall sconces provide task lighting and serve as decorative focal points. Bathroom Vanities

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50 Ideas for modern barthroom

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Espelho Rokokò

    Nanda Vigo criou este espelho para a Glass Italia, de seu nome Rokokò. Com um design classico e em simultaneo moderno, a moldura é produzida em vidro cortado com jacto de agua. Este é um espelho que fica bem em qualquer projecto de decoração da sua casa / empresa.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal

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Espelho Rokokò

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The ' Laurel & Hardy ' Trunk

    Speaking of 'ice breakers', and instant conversation makers.....imagine you had this trunk behind a love seat or sofa , or you could use it for your media in some capacity. Whatever.This is a trunk from the collection of ' Laurel & Hardy '.I would be extremely psyched to use something like this in my family room.And it is an important piece of nostalgia .And In regards to design, it does not get

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The ' Laurel & Hardy ' Trunk

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Monday, November 10, 2008

4UDECOR - Remodelações

    Quer Remodelar ou fazer Obras em sua Casa / Empresa e não conhece nenhuma empresa que o faça? A 4UDECOR tem uma equipa especializada em Remodelações / Obras que a pode ajudar. Actuamos principalmente na zona da Grande Lisboa / Cascais, mas também temos projectos de maior dimensão no Algarve. Contacte-nos hoje mesmo.Orçamentos Grátis:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais /

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4UDECOR - Remodelações

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Mirror Framed In Oysters

    ( click to enlarge for details ) I know it sounds disgusting to frame a mirror in oyster shells, but in the right application it would look really great.And what I love most is that it would not be expected, and it would bring an element of curiosity out of your guest, which is always good. One of my design trademarks is to accessorize with items that almost always stir a question out of a

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A Mirror Framed In Oysters

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MODERN Kids Room - Furniture IDEAS

    I had posted a month or so ago about wanting to apply for an Interior Designer Position at IKEA. Shortly after I had posted about it, I had another job offer. I was offered to work at a new antique mall that is opening 5 minutes from my house. I love antique malls, and worked at one for 5 years. My favorite job ever, and really the only job I have ever LOVED. My boss is someone that I have

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MODERN Kids Room - Furniture IDEAS

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How To Redecorate Kids Rooms

    ost likely if you are looking at redecorating kids rooms; you want nice splashy colors that exemplify youth and energy. Kids rooms can actually help shape the youngster because the colors stimulate moods. Therefore, you have to give your kid an extra boost when decorating their home. Also, if you want your kid’s room to feel like a sanctuary to them, and a safe place to end their day, you have

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How To Redecorate Kids Rooms

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Give Modern Touch For Your Bedroom

    Modern bed design by Saba Italia, in circular shape, presents a cosmopolitan style with a soft gray color really has a modern look. The two semi-circular sides of the bed can be separated resulting two new pieces of furniture. This bed is a great way to surprise your guests, and also you can be proud to have a stylish contemporary bed and two sofas in the same. [ via: sabaitalia ]

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Give Modern Touch For Your Bedroom

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Decorating Your Home for Christmas - holiday decoration

    If you are on a tight budget and you want to decorate for the Christmas holiday you can still spruce up the home and make it look quite festive. Bows are one of the best things you can use to decorate and make it look like Christmas and they are super cheap.It is best to get your favorite fabric at a fabric store. Some fabrics look nicer than others when it comes to bows for the holiday. You can

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Decorating Your Home for Christmas - holiday decoration

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Modern and Stylish Bedroom Designs - Fresh Bedrooms

    Function, mood and harmony are the factors that spell the difference between designer bedroom and the usual. A great bedroom is a place to relax and recharge, a stylish and peaceful retreat that’s as versatile as it is welcoming. The bedroom interior design is extremely important in order to provide that instant feel of relaxation and comfortable atmosphere.

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Modern and Stylish Bedroom Designs - Fresh Bedrooms

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4UDECOR - Dia-a-Dia

    Apresentamos uma serie de artigos uteis no seu dia-a-dia. São eles que marcam a diferença.Encomende já:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais

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4UDECOR - Dia-a-Dia

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

An Ice Box Made of French Oak - Versus A Refrigerator

    The La Glaceier Antique(ish) Refrigerator.This arts and crafts look alike is really the best that I have seen. The interior is as much a work of art as the exterior, providing state of the art refrigeration that is also state of the art luxury with its interior satin finish stainless steel shelves, a brass light, stainless steel meat hooks and separate temperature controls for food conservation

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An Ice Box Made of French Oak - Versus A Refrigerator

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4UDECOR - Sofá Modular

    Patricia Urquiola desenhou este confortavel sofá modular. Os braços e as suas costas podem ser deslocados no sentido vertical alterando o seu aspecto mas nunca deixando de se tornar numa peça única de design. Na imagem são apresentadas as varias hipoteses de configuração deste sofá. Todo ele possui uma estrutura de elevada resistência em madeira e de espuma anti-stress de poliuretano.Encomende já

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4UDECOR - Sofá Modular

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Peacock Walls and some good, bad, & ooogly

    This paper is the entire reason for this post.This is wall-covering from Schumacher.Can you imagine what impact you can make with this gorgeous paper.The only bummer is that they are real feathers.(Hit pic and enlarge , the info is on the bottom) This is sea glass for your garden. The fabric from this site is sooooooooooooo inexpensive. Alexander Henry Home Fabrics. This is one of the latest

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Peacock Walls and some good, bad, & ooogly

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Design Interior Traditional Living Room

    One of the most popular and timeless styles is traditional interior design. When we think of traditional living room design we often associate it with large houses, manors, hotels and palaces. This type of decorating is typically more formal in nature since the furnishings and wall finishes are influenced by historical sources.If we see the architectural and also furniture designs from 18th and

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Design Interior Traditional Living Room

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Design Interior Traditional Living Room

    One of the most popular and timeless styles is traditional interior design. When we think of traditional living room design we often associate it with large houses, manors, hotels and palaces. This type of decorating is typically more formal in nature since the furnishings and wall finishes are influenced by historical sources.If we see the architectural and also furniture designs from 18th and

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Design Interior Traditional Living Room

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4UDECOR - Sacos para Pão

    Tenha um pequeno almoço com pão quente nestes magnificos sacos para o pão, disponiveis em varias cores. Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal

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4UDECOR - Sacos para Pão

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chinoiserie & Mylar

    I think this is a fabulous idea. Mainly because I really can't find the kind of Mylar wall-covering that I have looked for.My mom had a condo with the living room , dining room and entry way wallpapered in the most beautiful shiny silver Mylar. The pattern was an all over traditional pattern of all white flowers over the silver Mylar. It was gorgeous when you first walked in and saw all 3 areas

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Chinoiserie & Mylar

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

4UDECOR - Candeeiro Tocco

    Maiko Watanabe and Koichi Tanake são 2 jovens designers Japoneses que se estabeleceram em Milão. Este duo que se auto intitulam M+K Design, fazem essencialmente candeeiros com este - Tocco. Como todo o seu trabalho, esta forma de ovo foi o resultado do seu interesse numa relação harmoniosa entre o utilizador, a decoração e o produto. Este candeeiro encontra-se disponivel em varias versões,

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4UDECOR - Candeeiro Tocco

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The President of The United States of America; Barack Obama

    Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.Barack Obama Let us not forget how unbelievably sad it is that his maternal grandmother ' Toot' who he loved deeply died yesterday morning at 5:00am. Seen here heading back to the plane from his visit to see her last Thursday.Imagine just hours from his

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The President of The United States of America; Barack Obama

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Dormitorio para jovencita amante de la musica en fucsia, negro, morado, gris por Carla Cruz

    Este dormitorio fue diseñado por Carla Cruz (, para una chica joven amante de la música, pues toca guitarra. Asi que toda la composición es con círculos en movimiento al compras de música. Los colores utilizados en esta recamara, son el morado, una gama de grises con toques en negro, fucsia y plata para asentuar su estilo retro.Esta bella habitación tiene un falso techo con

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Dormitorio para jovencita amante de la musica en fucsia, negro, morado, gris por Carla Cruz

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Extravagant Bed Design - Modern Bedroom Design

    Bedroom Design Designed by Max Longin the Float Bed is based on the idea of the central point of rest to which everything leads in a pliable and soft way. This bed is has a design that is quite unique and is held in place by four stainless steel cords that are connected to a frame of wooden rods and steel bows which can support a weight of up to 2645 lbs. The bed is available in ash, beech,

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Extravagant Bed Design - Modern Bedroom Design

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Modern & Minimalist Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

    After last week we presented a Bedroom Designs and Room Ideas for Modern Teens today here is another inspirational post with bedroom ideas. Today theme is modern and minimalist bedrooms. This look usually has a mixture of simple furniture and those out-of-this-world artistically designed pieces.In modern bedrooms, the bed is usually the one that stands out. The modern style usually

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Modern & Minimalist Bedroom Interior Design Ideas

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    Cadeiras Re trouve - Patricia UrquiolaA EMU reconhecida marca internacional de Mobiliário de Exterior / Jardim, com um enorme leque de oferta de cadeiras e mesas, deixamos aqui uma pequena amostra para lhe "abrir o apetite". Ideal para o seu jardim ou empresa devido à sua elevada qualidade. Visite-nos hoje mesmo em Cascais ou no nosso site . Encomende já / Order Now:geral@

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Monday, November 3, 2008

4UDECOR - Jurgen Mayer H

    O Arquiteto alemão Jurgen Mayer H, alia todas as boas características do cimento às formas minimalistas, lembrando aquelas de Niemeyer. Os grandes espaços vazios, preenchidos com um mínimo de móveis, entradas de luz planeadas cuidadosamente, piscina interior e paredes estratégicamente colocadas formam uma obra escultural a casa Dupli Casa.

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4UDECOR - Jurgen Mayer H

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Sunday, November 2, 2008


    Unless your are a convicted felon, you can vote.Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, and if they do, REPORT IT.KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AS AN AMERICAN !!Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

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Don’t tell anyone but Artie Colors Outside the Lines!

        I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the best part of blogging is the friends you meet along the way.  Artie, an ex-pat Texan, is one such new friend.  He writes the charming blog Color Outside the Lines, a daily diary of his decorating issues with his house in upstate New York.  He also writes about gardening, entertaining, designing jobs he takes on, and recipes thrown in for

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Don’t tell anyone but Artie Colors Outside the Lines!

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Don’t tell anyone but Artie Colors Outside the Lines!

        I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the best part of blogging is the friends you meet along the way.  Artie, an ex-pat Texan, is one such new friend.  He writes the charming blog Color Outside the Lines, a daily diary of his decorating issues with his house in upstate New York.  He also writes about gardening, entertaining, designing jobs he takes on, and recipes thrown in for

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Don’t tell anyone but Artie Colors Outside the Lines!

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Elsie de Wolfe

    Or 'Lady Mendl', how she was known after her marriage to Sir Charles Mendl ( a diplomat ).She is often credited with inventing the profession of interior decoration, though some say this is an exaggeration. In 1926 the New York Times described de Wolfe as " one of the most widely known woman in the New York social life", and in 1935 as " prominent in Paris society".Elsie de Wolfe’s marriage to

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Elsie de Wolfe

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