Everyone I think loves a little green , something living ( or not ) in a room.Do you have something you need to disguise or you would rather not have to look at in your room ?Perhaps a corner with wires to hide , ( a house guest, boyfriend, girlfiend )or something else that is an eyesore ?That's right, just fill you jardiniere (plant stand) with a lovely plant ,place it in just the right spot ,
¿Cómo dormir sin mosquitos, decorar con estilo y prevenir el dengue al mismo tiempo? Simple! Coloca un dosel con un tul en tu cama. Cuando una ola de molestos mosquitos nos invade y no hay repelente ni aire acondicionado que los detenga, debes protegerte colocando un dosel en tu dormitorio, asi lograrás que estos molestos insectos no puedan interferir en tus sueños, y crearás un ambiente super
Cadeira Eve LeatherA cadeira Eve Leather foi desenhada por Jan Sabro & S.T.C, para a Calligaris. É considerada como um Best Seller encontrando-se no nosso Top 10. Totalmente revestida em pele, transmite uma imagem de sofisticação e elegancia, a todos os espaços onde é inserida. Seja também mais um dos nossos clientes 100% satisfeitos. Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867
Remember this "library" where everyone commented, how can it be a library, there are no books?!!! So, I changed the name to the rather boring sounding "TV Watching Room." Well, you can see here, among the gorgeous Bennison and Rogers & Goffigon fabrics and M. Naeve antiques, there ARE some books, here! These clients of mine were people I knew when we started working together
Remember this "library" where everyone commented, how can it be a library, there are no books?!!! So, I changed the name to the rather boring sounding "TV Watching Room." Well, you can see here, among the gorgeous Bennison and Rogers & Goffigon fabrics and M. Naeve antiques, there ARE some books, here! These clients of mine were people I knew when we started working together
Relaxe e descanse depois de um longo e cansativo dia de trabalho nesta fantastica e confortavel cadeira. Com um design diferente enquadra-se bem em qualquer tipo de decoração, em pele ou tecido à sua escolha. Possui um pé cromado giratorio de elevada resistencia. Venha descansar nesta cadeira e recuper as suas energias.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312
This is a beautiful vase by Michael Aram. It reminds me of a pair of truly unbelievable lamps that I placed in a clients home. They were art nouveau and the texture , shape and color of this vase reminds me of them. Do you know anyone who is the MOON & STARS to you ?Try these servers as a gift. It is the Moon & Sun by Michael Aram.You should take a look at his site, http://www.michaelaram.com/
Não há habitualmente celebração de vulto em que o champanhe não esteja presente, tendo-se tornado sinonimo de festa ou celebração, prestigiados em todo o mundo são os Champus, reconhecidos graças ao seu design.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal
Traditional Home: Swedish design by Loi Thai It seems to happen each month, one or another decor magazine will feature a house designed in the Swedish style, this month two magazines actually featured Swedish styled homes. Swedish decorating burst on the scene a few years ago, fueled by a hunger for quiet, simple, grayish-white interiors after a decade of the overindulgence of the
Traditional Home: Swedish design by Loi Thai It seems to happen each month, one or another decor magazine will feature a house designed in the Swedish style, this month two magazines actually featured Swedish styled homes. Swedish decorating burst on the scene a few years ago, fueled by a hunger for quiet, simple, grayish-white interiors after a decade of the overindulgence of the
Personalize with AccessoriesWhen I am working on a clients home, after making sure that all theBasics are taken care of …..them comes Accessorizing.The thoughtful part, the time consuming part,And often the laborious part of design.The fun part is the actual HUNT, and most times you have tovery carefully get it to the client‘s home in one piece if it is breakable.Me personally, I don’t like
Remodelações A 4UDECOR é uma Empresa que desempanha todo o tipo de acompanhamento ao seu projecto, desde a informação legal, ao aconselhamento de materiais e acabamentos assim como as suas compatibilidades. Da nossa parte o cliente receberá sempre um Caderno de Encargos / Orçamento. Garantimos o cumprimento na integra do orçamento realizado, não havendo derrapagens orçamentais. Os trabalhos por
KARTELLKartell trabalha com os mais reconhecidos designers tais como Ron Arad, Antonio Citterio, Michele De Lucchi, Ferruccio Laviani, Piero Lissoni, Patricia Urquiola, Vico Magistretti, Enzo Mari, Alberto Meda, Paolo Rizzatto e Philippe Starck, que reconhecem o know how desta marca em materiais, assim como, a tecnologia dos plasticos e a sua capacidade de aceitar as inovações. Conta com mais de
Visite o nosso parceiro brasileiro com 2 opções: Decoração e Paisagismo. Com intervenção de profissionais nestas areas, conselhos uteis e de facil aplicação em sua casa. São os pequenos detalhes que fazem muitas vezes a diferença. Click em http://blogdedecoracao.lopes.com.br/ ou http://blogdepaisagismo.lopes.com.br/
What to do, what to do???? Amazon is already preselling the Christmas season's design books - and it's a bumper crop, folks. The covers alone can make you drool and wish that December would hurry up and get here! These are the ones I've already ordered (some as long ago as April!) This book, Domestic Art, has me the most excited and you should be thrilled too. The book's co-author and
What to do, what to do???? Amazon is already preselling the Christmas season's design books - and it's a bumper crop, folks. The covers alone can make you drool and wish that December would hurry up and get here! These are the ones I've already ordered (some as long ago as April!) This book, Domestic Art, has me the most excited and you should be thrilled too. The book's co-author and
Old Red Chinoiserie Tole BarThis Adorable Old Red Chinoiserie Tole Baris Purrr-fect for a small home or apartment.I have never seen a little bar like this.I think for the right spot it would be killer.It measures 32 H x 30 W x 16.5 D.How great is that ?(Make sure to click on foto’s)First of all, you could use a counter height stoolto sit at or behind the bar.ORThis little bar could be used as a
In England, many houses have names - not addresses. The five most popular names given to English houses are Orchard House, The Coach House, The Bungalow, Rose Cottage, and the number one name is simply, "The Cottage." How romantic would it be to have a name for your home? I especially like two other, less popular names for houses in England: Honeysuckle Cottage and The Vicarage. Hmm.....What
In England, many houses have names - not addresses. The five most popular names given to English houses are Orchard House, The Coach House, The Bungalow, Rose Cottage, and the number one name is simply, "The Cottage." How romantic would it be to have a name for your home? I especially like two other, less popular names for houses in England: Honeysuckle Cottage and The Vicarage. Hmm.....What
A 4UDECOR representa mais uma marca internacional de mobiliario. Weishaupl marca alemã de mobiliario leva as pessoas até à natureza. A Cadeira Forest está disponivel na versão indoor ou outdoor, prova que o aluminio nem sempre tem de ter um aspecto frio. Esta cadeira baseia-se na forma de uma arvore, com os seus troncos formando as costas da cadeira. Disponivel em 3 versões e em diversas
When you want to make your home look nice in decoration model or design, try to make your living room more comfortable as you wish. To make this easier, it is important to have a simple plan to follow each time you feel like changing everything around. Here’s some tips on how to build your decor so you can change it at any time, without having to spend a bundle of money.Backdrop the living room
When you want to make your home look nice in decoration model or design, try to make your living room more comfortable as you wish. To make this easier, it is important to have a simple plan to follow each time you feel like changing everything around. Here’s some tips on how to build your decor so you can change it at any time, without having to spend a bundle of money.Backdrop the living room
Festas do Mar 2008 As Festas do Mar 2008 são já um enorme sucesso, vão decorrer na Baía de Cascais entre os dias 22 e 31 de Agosto. Além de espectáculos diários com grupos e artistas do top nacional, as Festas do Mar 2008 incluem o concurso de fotografia "Cascais e o Mar". Visite Cascais e passe pela nossa Loja, R. Dra Iracy Doyle, 43A, junto estação CP
http://www.stamfordantiques.com/click on picture to enlargeIf you have a room and you are contemporary, maybe you are a minimalist or mid century modern…whatever.If the METAL you have in the room is silver, try this spray paint on a newer trunk( trunk about $ 40.00 instead of $ 2000.00 plus ) that has interesting details,such as studs or nail heads. The cheap smooth metal trunk for summer
Apresento mais 2 opções de colocação de papel de parede em portas de closets, transforme umas modestas e simples portas numas maravilhosas. São soluções assim simples que fazem muitas vezes a diferença numa decoração de um quarto, pode escolher papeis estampados, com paisagens ou ate mesmo uma tela de uma foto sua. A imaginação não tem limites.Viste-nos já:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm:
Onyx Chandelier – 1930’sThis is a wonderful piece of 1930’s Design.Today it as beautiful as it was yesterday.When I am looking for a piece like this it is so difficult to find.If you are Deco, especially French Deco( which to me, is the ONLY DECO ) check this chandelier out.click on picture to enlargehttp://www.jeanmarcfray.com/
You know, I have always wanted to do this ChalkBoard wall thingmainly because I am just the wacky, ‘Creative’, with“ideas bouncing around in my head like a pin ball machine” type.Then I decided that it would work best if I could get someoneto carry it around…maybe on their back for me, or just prop it upwhen I needed to remember something, or get back on task,or write an idea down...whatever.I
Papel de ParedeTemos papel de parede de elevadissima qualidade, presente nas mais belas casas. Desde papel estampado a paneis muito criativos. Apresento-vos aqui os 2 exemplos de um projecto de decoração, no closet temos as portas forradas com papel negro com padrão de linhas horizontais e na cabeçeira da cama o seu despretador com uma frase muito convidativa ao seu acordar. Encomende já / Order
Well, It is Sunday ………….I think I should post something luxurious, sort of a vacation yet still related to design.This gorgeous yacht got me to thinking, which I do entirely too much of…….. Me personally, I am beyond sensitive when it comes to ‘SETTINGS’ or the atmosphere of a space.Wherever I am ….what I see, what I hear, the temperature, the smells,and the sounds…all affect me.I will be
Jeanne-Françoise Julie Adélaïde Bernard Récamier ( December 4 , 1777 – May 11, 1849 ) was a Frenchwoman who was a leader of the literary and political circles of the early 19th century.Born in Lyon, France Lyon, and known as Juliette, she was married at fifteen toJacques Récamier (d. 1830), a rich banker more than 30 years her senior. At the time, it was said that he was in fact her natural
Searching through Houston Area Realtors for houses on the market is usually a boring way to spend a few hours. House after house is filled with brown or black poufy leather sofas with matching chairs, floors that are stained a color that could only be described as light orange, humongous TV systems that overtake the room, terrible window treatments like these limp, arched, curtains above,
Searching through Houston Area Realtors for houses on the market is usually a boring way to spend a few hours. House after house is filled with brown or black poufy leather sofas with matching chairs, floors that are stained a color that could only be described as light orange, humongous TV systems that overtake the room, terrible window treatments like these limp, arched, curtains above,
A 4UDECOR quer brindar os seus clientes e amigos brasileiros com fabulosas praias do seu Pais. Com praias que podem ser classificadas entre as mais belas do mundo, o Brasil promove pelo mundo estas magnificas paragens de sonho.4UDECOR exporta para o Brasil, directamente para sua casa, faça como muitos brasileiros que já são nossos clientes. Enviamos por via aerea ou maritima. Peça-nos mais
I think these guy's are absolutely gorgeous. The 1st 3 foo dog pictures are of a very costly set. Click on them and you will be directed to the site. But don't get too excited....they are sold. And they sold for $1,506.50.The last picture is of another set that sells for about 25.00 or 30.00 dollars. And they look it compared to real real deal........but if you have nothing to compare it to.....
I went with an art dealer friend of mine from Sun Valley Idaho to this huge antique show that shows and sells exclusively America Old West Antiques including these humongous (I mean 25ft x 15ft)Hand painted circus posters from the day when a circus was a circus….I am a bit off the track but I (who was born in Texas and tell no one! - I hate being a Little Cowgirl) after3 days found myself drawn
Rock é o nome deste artigo muito criativo e original da Magis, criado por Marc Newson em Polietileno. Pode ser cheio com agua ou areia. Mas para que servirá este artigo já estaram a pensar, graças a sua forma de rim é ideal para impedir que as crianças se entalem nas portas colocado junto da ombreira impede que a porta se feche e possa magoar o seu filho ou para evitar que uma determinada porta
Telefonar a conduzir é mais perigoso do que estar embriagado atrás do volante, indica um estudo britânico realizado por cientistas do Laboratório de Investigação dos Transportes (LIT). Segundo os resultados obtidos, a condução é mais afectada pela utilização do telemóvel do que pelo álcool ingerido pelo condutor, mesmo quando este bebe mais do que os limites legais. Os resultados demonstraram que
Wow, here is one of the many secrets I will share.Remember the gorgeous green ceramic garden stools from a few post ago?Well, here you go…..These you can pick up at nearly ½ the price at a place called ‘Pearl River’.These are 4 inches higher ( 19”)You know there is a bronze one in this group.Bronze can be slipped into a scheme easily as a side table- whatever.And because of the metallic, it will
Hand Painted FurnitureInternational Influences: Design inspiration has gone global with pieces drawing on looks from Asia and Australia to France and Cuba. Asian styling, with its emphasis on simplicity, natural materials and clean lines, has made its way into the major furniture collections of Thomasville, Bassett and Broyhill among others. Country is turning more sophisticated by borrowing
Candeeiro Cilindrico Alto Este candeeiro possui umas linhas ideais para os amantes do desgni, simples e elegante. Pode ajustar-se em altura bem como o pendulo que possui para lhe dar mais estabilidade. Dimensões 100cm x 30 diametro, Lampada 1xMax 100W E27 opaca, varios acabamentos disponiveis. Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal
I personally adore Chinoiserie. I once used a very small jewel case with legs that was from the Paris Flea market. It was from about 1803, it was the darkest green , almost black. The top lifted up, it had the original salmon silk in it and a mirror. It was tattered inside which was fine. The outside had very simple/delicate lines.Ladies used to sit on a little stool and put on their jewels for
Well, according to all the Home Furnishing Journals....Painted Furniture is on it's way back ! Did it ever really go away ?Back in the early nineties I was designing at a small Home Furnishing Place in Boca Raton called 'Casa Casa', we eventually opened another store on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach across from 'Devonshire' ( I think that is the name ) and just down the street from 'Johnny Brown
This is a room I custom made an armless sectional for.This space was so small - it was a breakfast area, the client wanted it to be a family room/media room. In the end it did work out well. I used Wall Mounted flat screen TVs and custom media towers that were very shallow and hid a myriadof problems.I can not say enough about armless chairs and sofas.There are no arms to go out of style. I love
Temos os mais confortaveis sofas, cadeiras e estruturas de apoio para espaços ao ar livre. Para mimar os seus clientes e dar-lhes o melhor oferecemos desde a hipotese de chave na mão até ao projecto de arquitectura e interiores. Com os mais dedicados colaboradores, ajudamo-lo a aumentar a sua rentabilidade. Torne o seu espaço comercial uma referencia local e nacional. Pode também mobilar o seu
All this talk about beach houses and Galveston and hurricanes and linen slipcovers has really got me thinking. How would I, an interior designer, (or interior decorator if ASID is listening!) design my own beach house? The problem is, as I've told you before, I love two different styles of designs - cluttered and sparse. While, the cluttered look has won out at home, would I be able to
All this talk about beach houses and Galveston and hurricanes and linen slipcovers has really got me thinking. How would I, an interior designer, (or interior decorator if ASID is listening!) design my own beach house? The problem is, as I've told you before, I love two different styles of designs - cluttered and sparse. While, the cluttered look has won out at home, would I be able to
Brook Astor's family home. All info from articles written and printed in The New York Times.more info : http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/14/obituaries/14astor.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=brooke+astor&st=nyt&oref=slogin*have a nice Sunday & do something nice for someone today without them knowing.
Esta cama si que ahorra espacio pues se guarda en el techo como pueden ver en la foto. La mayoría de gente ahora vive en pequeños departamentos y tiene grandes problemas de espacio. Pero es sorprendente la cantidad de propuestas que se están viendo para optimizar al mismo.La cama es uno de los objetos que más espacio ocupa, pero la mayoría del tiempo no se usa, y sin embargo, necesitamos de ella.
Firstly, I am quite sorry that I am late with the post today. But I thought I would just chat about how much character CLOCKS can give a room. One of my favorite things to do is to shop for accessories for my clients in Paris. You just get on the Metro ( it is the only way to travel in Paris for any distance ) and your destination stop is :Porte de Clignancourt. Once you get off you are there.
Jogos Olimpicos de Beijing 2008A contagem decrescente para o início da cerimônia foi feita por 2008 tambores tocando o fou, um antigo instrumento de percussão chinesa, num impressionante espectáculo de sincronia que deu passagem a um número enorme de figurantes, luzes, fogos de artifício e música. Um total de 70 mil pessoas participaram na festa de mais de três horas, com a presença de nove mil
08-08-0808-08-08 esta data não é só uma capicua, o numero 8 é considerado pelos chineses como um numero muito favoravel. Quanto mais 8s existir na vida de um casal maior é a probabilidade de terem sorte, felicidade e fortuna. Dai a grande correria para a marcação de casamentos neste dia. Inclusive a data da cerimonia de abertura dos Jogos Olimpicos foi marcada para o dia 08-08-08 às 08:08pm. Por
This is absolutely worth a snoop !The locations are so varied- RFThe Beach Studios is a small but fast growing locations agency dedicated to providing a wide range locations for the film and photography industry. Owned by stylist, Atlanta Bartlett and designer, David Coote we have a combined 30 years experience in the field. Our user friendly website is quickly expanding offering a wide range of
Area 51 Esta cadeira obtem o seu nome por motivos obvios, Area 51 é um dos nomes atribuidos à area militar restrita no deserto do Nevada, Estados Unidos, onde são estudados fenomenos extraterrestres.Esta cadeira possui linhas vindas do espaço, muito actual e ergonomica, fabricada em polipropileno, disponivel em varias cores, podem ser empilhadas e usadas tanto no interior como no exterior,
Last Friday in Galveston my sweet sister-in-law Shannon (you remember her from HERE) was invited for hor d'oeuvres in the East End by her friends and neighbors Shirley and Kirby. They live up the road from Shannon in Chappell Hill, Texas in a to-die-for log cabin. Now, make no mistake - this isn't the kind of log cabin that once dotted the fruited plains of America - no, this log
Last Friday in Galveston my sweet sister-in-law Shannon (you remember her from HERE) was invited for hor d'oeuvres in the East End by her friends and neighbors Shirley and Kirby. They live up the road from Shannon in Chappell Hill, Texas in a to-die-for log cabin. Now, make no mistake - this isn't the kind of log cabin that once dotted the fruited plains of America - no, this log
This is really yummy. What an easy finish to work with. This is a finish that some have refered to as Paris Graige, this piece reminds me of it.It is so different but works well with so many color combinations.
Prémio MobisO troféu Prémio Mobis é uma peça de grande valor estético que reúne as matérias-primas mais utilizadas no fabrico de mobiliário: a madeira, o metal e o vidro. Trata-se de uma cadeira estilizada em forma de “M”, onde o corpo, em vidro acrílico transparente, e as costas, em latão dourado, são encimadas por uma esfera igualmente em latão dourado. O conjunto assenta numa base em madeira
Selecionamos as melhores marcas, artigos nacionais e internacionais para si. Cuidamos e mimamos os nossos clientes. Entregamos em sua casa / empresa todas as suas compras a custo zero. Embalados por profissionais muito competentes permite-nos enviar para qualquer parte do mundo garantindo a sua total integridade.Visite-nos já / Visit us:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais /
Esta é a nossa base de partida para o seu projecto de decoração, começamos com a sua planta.Ouvimos os seus desejos, mobiliario, tapetes, papel de parede, cozinha, cores, iluminação, etc.Iniciamos a execução do seu projecto de acordo com todas as suas solicitações, damos varias opcções para todas as situações, assim o cliente tem mais do que uma alternativa. Com a conclusão do projecto passamos
IittalaCria e desenha objectos de qualidade, função e forma unicas, desde os passaros toikka, às loiças, passando pelos copos, com faqueiros de design atrativo e ainda utensilios para a cozinha. Esta marca é optima para criar uma lista de casamento, de valor bastante atractivo e economico.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal
Hurricanes have wiped out two major United States cities, the first, of course was New Orleans, the second? Galveston, Texas. Galveston, a major United States city? At the time The Great Storm of 1900 leveled Galveston taking 6,000 to 8,000 souls in its wake, Galveston was a major city with a large population and a booming port. Houston, its sister city 50 miles west was, by comparison, a
Hurricanes have wiped out two major United States cities, the first, of course was New Orleans, the second? Galveston, Texas. Galveston, a major United States city? At the time The Great Storm of 1900 leveled Galveston taking 6,000 to 8,000 souls in its wake, Galveston was a major city with a large population and a booming port. Houston, its sister city 50 miles west was, by comparison, a
O Maior aeroporto do Mundo já abriu em Beijing, o novo terminal 3 com cerca de 315 hectares, custou 3,5 Bilhões de dolares. Do ar este novo aeroporto possui a forma de um dragão, com cores imperiais tais como o vermelho e o amarelo, simetrico no seu eixo principal, projectado para receber 50 milhões de passageiros em 2020, obra do famoso Arquitecto Norman Fosters & Partners e será uma das
Drink F1De design simples, conico, em forma de calice iluminado. Com estrutura cromada ou de metal pintado, com regulador de intensidade, disponivel em varias cores. Entrega imediata.Encomende já / Order Now:geral@4udecor.comTelf: 214 867 378Tlm: 966 312 602Cascais / Portugal