Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ballard Designs Presents James Swan

      Something is happening at Ballard Designs.  Something really good.  Just when you thought that everyone’s favorite home decor catalogue couldn’t get any better, it has.         The evolution of Ballard Designs’ bird cage – from the flea markets of France to the catalogue.   It all started with a contest – in 1982, Metropolitan Home Magazine awarded Helen Ballard Weeks’ condominium

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Ballard Designs Presents James Swan

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Ballard Designs Presents James Swan

      Something is happening at Ballard Designs.  Something really good.  Just when you thought that everyone’s favorite home decor catalogue couldn’t get any better, it has.         The evolution of Ballard Designs’ bird cage – from the flea markets of France to the catalogue.   It all started with a contest – in 1982, Metropolitan Home Magazine awarded Helen Ballard Weeks’ condominium

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Ballard Designs Presents James Swan

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Terminam hoje os Saldos

    Hoje termina o periodo de saldos de inverno. Serve o presente post para agradecer a todos os nossos clientes e amigos que nos visitaram neste periodo, onde adquiriram artigos com valores inferiores aos practicados durante o ano. Mas hoje ainda podem deslocar-se à nossa loja e aproveitar esta fantastica oportunidade de comprar grandes marcas com valores apelativos.Venha visitar-nos e aproveite os

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Terminam hoje os Saldos

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Decoracion de dormitorios: Un toque de humor antes de dormir

    Imagínate al ir a acostarte y retiras el cubre cama y ves estos cómicas cojines, no puedes hacer más nada que reír.
    Estos divertidos cojines son una colección de Matt Jones, llamada Pop Pillows. Son unos cojines reversibles con diferentes temas para elegir, Noise Pollution, Angel and devil y Dead tired.
    Mira con que detalle puedes darle un poco de humos a tu cabeza, casi como una fotografía, estos cojines brindan un aire lúdico a un simple hecho cotidiano.

    Fuente: Designsen.

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Decoracion de dormitorios: Un toque de humor antes de dormir

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Decoracion de interiores en blanco y negro

    La sala, posee como centro de atención un sofá con piel de vaca, muy llamativa, acompañada por una chimenea y dos clásicos de Mies Van der Rohe (aquellos del pabellón de Barcelona) pero, por supuesto, "aggiornados".
    Pero una mezcla ecléctica es lo llamativo, porque en este blanco espacio con objetos que juegan con su contraste, encontramos unos muebles de estilo clásico, en color madera.
    Unas hermosas sillas en color negro con patas en madera, acompañan a una mesa rectangular de vidrio.
    El color principal, generalmente es el blanco, el negro sería correr un riesgo importante.
    El baño y el dormitorio, poseen un diseño más despojado y minimalista. Y para este tipo de decoración, el blanco y negro, son ideales.

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Decoracion de interiores en blanco y negro

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...Nothing But A Fig Leaf

    At the Palm Beach Annual Arts and Antiques Show,I saw something that stirred a sweet childhood memory.When I was little, I lived with my Grandmother ( I called her Bebe ) she was so beautiful and sweet. I was an only child, so needless to say, Bebe indulged me in many ways.We had a huge wisteria hedge, and there was an opening in this hedge where I would hold court with my imaginary friends (

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...Nothing But A Fig Leaf

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Candeeiro / Lamp Foscarini Caboche

    Foscarini - Caboche, de design moderno este candeeiro de tecto difunde a sua luz de forma espantosa que deixará os seus amigos de boca aberta! Composto por globos transparentes de polimetilmetacrilato; é mais uma das excelentes criações da famosa designer Patricia Urquiola e em co-autoria com Eliana Gerotto. Lançado em 2006, este é um candeeiro fantástico para iluminar qualquer área da sua casa

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Candeeiro / Lamp Foscarini Caboche

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Camas Reclináveis / Wall Bed Unit

    Esta cama reclinavel pode ser complementada com um confortável sofá ou uma secretária, a unidade transforma-se com um simples movimento numa cama king size, é adequada para uso diário, o sofá é totalmente desmontável e é lavavel dependendo do tecido selecionado.This wall bed unit can be fronted with or without a comfortable sofa or desk, the unit transforms with one simple movement into a UK

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Camas Reclináveis / Wall Bed Unit

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Siza Vieira recebeu hoje medalha da Rainha Isabel II

    O arquitecto português Siza Vieira recebeu hoje em Londres o prémio Medalha de Ouro Real de 2009 pela sua contribuição para a arquitectura internacional, distinção atribuída pelo Instituto Real dos Arquitectos Britânicos, em nome da Rainha Isabel II. Álvaro Siza Vieira, 75 anos, junta a Medalha de Ouro Real a importantes prémios internacionais da área, com destaque para o Prémio Pritzker (1992),

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Siza Vieira recebeu hoje medalha da Rainha Isabel II

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The Pits

    Sometime in the 1970's 'Pit Seating ' or 'Modular Sofa's ' became popular. Gotta' tell ya' , I never liked it.But mainly because people would just put this giant BROWN U shaped sofa ( the color of the 70's ) in the middle of their living rooms.Then again, I was not a designer yet, I was just a teenager, and I guess I was hanging out with the wrong crowd......People with ZERO

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The Pits

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Kartell Cadeira /Chair Mademoiselle

    Cadeira Mademoiselle da Kartell. O Brilho, as cores modernas e simples, com um design linear transformam a Mademoiselle numa cadeira chique e luxuosa. A sua estruturaé resultado da injecção de um molde de policarbonato sobre a qual um banco de poliuretano é expandido e colocado. O assento é estofado com 100% poliéster Kvadrat ® tecidos em cores sólidas, tornando o seu estilo ideal para locais de

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Kartell Cadeira /Chair Mademoiselle

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Changes: Anniversary Presents Now and Then:

      You know when you buy something and it’s just not “right” from the beginning.  Well………when I bought my sofa and chairs a few years ago, the day they were delivered, I took one look at the slipcovers and had to stop myself from crying.  I could see immediately that my new, fresh, white linen slipcovers had NOT been washed prior to being made!  Needless to say, I was devastated.  And shocked

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Changes: Anniversary Presents Now and Then:

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Changes: Anniversary Presents Now and Then:

      You know when you buy something and it’s just not “right” from the beginning.  Well………when I bought my sofa and chairs a few years ago, the day they were delivered, I took one look at the slipcovers and had to stop myself from crying.  I could see immediately that my new, fresh, white linen slipcovers had NOT been washed prior to being made!  Needless to say, I was devastated.  And shocked

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Changes: Anniversary Presents Now and Then:

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Cadeiras / Chairs Contract Jaime Hayon

    BD Barcelona, Jaime Hayon, Como um exemplo ideal para utilização em espaços interiores e ao ar livre no jardim, num terraço, a piscina, o restaurante e ou no hotel, a versão base da cadeira Showtime existente em dois acabamentos. Feitas de polietileno de média densidade, está disponível como uma cadeira simples ou dupla, com uma cobertura opcional para o modelo único, que o protege do sol

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Cadeiras / Chairs Contract Jaime Hayon

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not So Secret Compartments

    These are the 'not so secret compartments' I could keep my papers in.Papers with my little stories on them , about my little experiences ,and my little & big feelings about those experiences.Some stories I will read again and again, and some I will conveniently never find again.One of my little stories will be so shocking that I will have to rest here. enlarge any picture

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Not So Secret Compartments

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Ideas para separar ambientes

    Desde que los lofts irrumpieran en nuestras ciudades hace ya casi dos décadas, los comentarios acerca de su utilidad se suceden. Las opiniones, tantas como variadas, a favor o en contra, impulsoras y detractoras… El loft nace como nueva forma de vida y a él le dedicaremos un capítulo aparte, hoy nos vamos a centrar en algo que el loft trajo consigo.

    Los espacios diáfanos son la causa o la consecuencia de los lofts, pero aún dispuestos a vivir en un solo espacio que cubra todas nuestras necesidades, hay tareas que precisan de una cierta intimidad. La búsqueda del espacio personal dentro del compartido, en ausencia de tabiques, requiere creatividad.

    Imaginación al poder!! A falta de ladrillos, sirven todos aquellos métodos de separación que se nos ocurran, y las soluciones llegan a nuestras casas a borbotones.

    El biombo es una herencia oriental, injustamente tratada durante años por su aparente inutilidad. Y es que hay cosas que han llegado a nuestras manos, mucho antes de que surgiera en nosotros la necesidad de utilizarlas.

    Pero ahora gana fuerza día a día ya que nos permite unir o separar estancias en función de la actividad a desarrollar. Es una opción cómoda y ligera y que no conlleva el compromiso de un tabique, que perdurará “por siempre y jamás” en el mismo lugar.

    Cualquier mueble colocado estratégicamente cumplirá doble función. Una librería abierta por ambos lados separará ambientes permitiendo el paso de la luz a la vez que sirve para almacenar libros, adornos, figuras… La trasera de un armario ropero, decorada como si de una pared se tratase se convertirá en un tabique divisorio si lo colocamos en el centro de la habitación.

    Las mamparas de cristal quizá han sido la última incorporación al mundo de la separación. Son idóneas en espacios de estética vanguardista. Los vidrios se presentan transparentes, translúcidos, rotos, coloreados… además, podemos usarlos como base, y colocar sobre ellos pegatinas o vinilos, transformándolos de esta manera en piezas con un importante peso decorativo en nuestro hogar.

    Existen paneles téxtiles y de papel decorados que enrollados en el techo no ocupan espacio, pero desplegados actúan como si de un tabique se tratase, empapelado a nuestro gusto. Tienen la cualidad de que se pueden convertir en un elemento con una alta carga erótica. Detrás del panel, se intuye lo que sucede… pero solo se intuye.

    Cortinas a base de cuentas de colores, abalorios, láminas de plástico unidas con anillas formando un panel, tiras de tela de colores… son soluciones rápidas y económicas pero igualmente decorativas.

    La vida es cada vez más comunitaria, más plural y más rápida. El mundo es uno y grande, los espacios se abren ante nosotros… pero nosotros nos resistimos y en una lucha constante entre metros e intimidad, exprimimos toda nuestra creatividad desarrollando soluciones realmente ingeniosas.

    Fuente: Decoestilo

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Ideas para separar ambientes

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    I was trolling for something new and fun, and look what I caught ? This is so EURO, and fun. Gotta Kid ? Get a Le Beanock @ Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Designa2a_linkname=document.title;a2a_linkurl=location.href;

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usTogether Bathroom Designs

    If you love white and the very latest concepts in bathroom designs, usTogether bathroom suite will certainly tick all the right boxes!

    The sleek and very chic basin and bath have very unusual clear sides which remind me somewhat of a fish tank! This bath is not for you if you share a bathroom as there is no modesty afforded here!

    The suite maximises space in small bathrooms, a much needed asset in many modern homes where space is restricted, by incorporating the basin and bath into one slim-line unit which fits neatly along the length of one wall.

    White provides a crisp, clean and very chic look in a bathroom. Combine this design with white décor and white blinds the room offers a sense of minimalist and almost sci-fi look.

    The white contoured shelving is used to draw the eye along the line of the design. No clutter is definitely the order of the day in a bathroom such as this.

    The use of white for the décor enables the natural light from the small window to be maximised fully. Using a slim-line white blind will enable the light to still enter the room and yet offer effective privacy to the outside world. By tilting the louvers of a Venetian blind upwards some interesting light effects can be achieved to add to the sci-fi feel of this bathroom.

    usTogether are a team of British and Irish designers who focus primarily on bathroom designs. For further information visit usTogether

    Image source: notempire

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usTogether Bathroom Designs

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Bedroom Nightstand

    Bedroom Nightstand
    With its stylish and contemporary design and finish, a stable of the Z-bedroom collection, this nightstand features a unique cantilever design, custom machined solid aluminum drawer pulls, and smooth high-sheen poly tops. This striking and innovative piece of furniture has extraordinary style, function, and storage capabilities, that make it a perfect fit for any home.


    • Textured black finish
    • Brushed chrome trim
    • Machine aluminum drawer pulls
    • Open shelf and one functional drawer
    • Minimal assembly required
    Teen Trends Nightstand
    This hip and stylish night stand from Powell is sure to dress up any bedroom while allowing for a modern and functional look. This nightstand features a unique design that can accomodate for all of your needs. It also features a full-extension drawer for extra storage and a durable build.

    Features :
    • Interchangeable drawer panels
    • Silver frame and 2 drawer panels (navy and sage)
    • Minimal assembly required
    Nocce Truffle Two Drawer Nightstand
    With a transitional style, this Nocce Truffle Two Drawer Nightstand combines style and function, making it the perfect addition to your bedroom. Made with engineered wood and laminate, and completed in a warm dark truffle finish, this nightstand will be a permanent fixture next to your bed. Add other select pieces from MFI / Nexera to create that a spectacular look!


    • Constructed of engineered wood with laminate
    • Warm truffle dark finish
    • Two drawers
    • Sturdy metal drawer glides
    • Ships ready to assemble
    Espresso Manhattan 2 Drawer Night Stand
    Part of the stylish Espresso Manhattan Collection this beautiful night stand is the perfect addition to any room. This two drawer night stand features solid wood legs and elegant brushed nickel, solid metal knobs. The drawers run on smooth, all-metal roller guides, which feature built-in safety stops. This sturdy night stand is made of composite wood and easy-to-clean Melamine laminate. Additional pieces from the Espresso Manhattan Collection are available separately.

    • Espresso finish
    • Made of composite woods and easy-to-clean Melamine laminate
    • Furniture style solid wood legs
    • Brushed nickel solid metal knobs
    • Two full sized drawers
    • Drawers run on smooth, all-metal roller glides with built-in safety stops
    Portsmouth Nightstand
    South Shore's stylish and family-friendly furniture is made of laminated engineered wood, which gives it great strength and durability. They use wood panels entirely made from recovered and recycled material. While they do their share to preserve the environment by conserving our forests, South Shore Industries makes no compromise when it comes to quality and product durability. These quality products are designed for easy maintenance and offered at very competitive prices.

    This contemporary Portsmouth Nightstand lends a functional and modern look to any bedroom. Its deep drawers and rich sauvignon finish makes this a truly sophisticated and refined piece of furniture.


    • Rich sauvignon finish
    • Two drawer nightstand unit
    • Constructed of particleboard with a laminate finish
    • Sintec drawer glides
    • Ships Ready-to-Assemble
    Infinity Nightstand
    The sleek, contemporary Infinity nightstand, with its dark chocolate finish, looks fantastic adjacent to any bed. Its single drawer storage space makes this nightstand both attractive and functional.


    • One large drawer
    • Sintec drawer glides
    • Constructed of particleboard with a laminate finish
    Back Bay Collection Nightstand
    South Shore's stylish and family-friendly furniture is made of laminated engineered wood, which gives it great strength and durability. They use wood panels entirely made from recovered and recycled material. While they do their share to preserve the environment by conserving our forests, South Shore Industries makes no compromise when it comes to quality and product durability. These quality products are designed for easy maintenance and offered at very competitive prices.

    This sleek, contemporary nightstand with a dark chocolate finish looks great adjacent to any bed. Its single drawer storage space makes this nightstand both attractive and functional.


    • 1 large drawer unit
    • Sintec drawer glides
    • Constructed of particleboard with a laminate finish

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Bedroom Nightstand

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Modern Nightstand

    Central Park Mirrored Single Dresser
    Unique in design, the Central Park Mirrored Single Dresser is the perfect conversation piece for your home. This beautiful piece utilizes the clean reflection of glass to enhance the storage opportunities of this three drawer accent dresser. Perfect for use as either a nightstand or an accent chest, you can place this piece in any room of your home where it can best suit your needs.

    • Mirrored top, drawer front and end panels
    • Black plinth base
    • Square tongue pull hardware
    • Three drawers
    Central Park Gotham Mirrored Nightstand
    Unique in design and style, the Central Park Gotham Mirrored Nightstand is the perfect conversation piece for your home. This beautiful nightstand features mirror panels on the top, sides and drawer fronts giving your bedroom a distinctive look. In addition, this chic nightstand has two drawers for storage making it just as functional as it is striking.

    • Mirrored top, drawer front and end panels
    • Black plinth base
    • Square tongue pull hardware
    • Two drawers
    Harrison Two Door Nightstand in Medium Brown
    Practical yet stylish, this Harrison Two Door Nightstand in Medium Brown is the perfect complementary bedside piece. Finished in a warm medium brown with two doors and one drawer, this nightstand offers plenty of space to store all your bedside needs. Have everything at an arms reach and infuse some style into your bedroom in the process with this lovely nightstand.

    • Finished in a warm medium brown
    • Crafted from select hardwoods and quartered oak veneers
    • Accented with custom designed leather wrapped hardware
    • Two doors
    • One drawer
    Emily Kids Nightstand
    If you're looking to redecorate your child's room with class and elegance, the Emily Kids Nightstand is perfect for you. You can't go wrong with its subtle and sophisticated style! Add other pieces from this collection to complete the look.


    • Cherry finish
    • Sleek transitional design
    • Two drawers and glass top
    LAX Series Side Table
    The LAX Series by MASH Studios combines sleek, minimal elegance with practical space-saving solutions built into the designs. The pieces feature simple lines and a clean palette of a light walnut finish and white shelf doors, helping you create a contemporary environment that is clean and free of clutter. The LAX Series Side Table is sized at the same height as the LAX Series Platform Beds and includes a wire management hole for lamps, alarm clocks and other bedside conveniences.

    • Case made of English Walnut with a natural oil finish
    • Top made of 1/8"-thick white powder-coated aluminum
    • Includes wire management hole
    • No visible hardware
    • All hardware included
    Float Night Table in Wenge
    Dramatize your bedroom with the simple elegance of the Float Night Table. Accent your room with other Float accessories to create an inviting modern landscape. The set comes exclusively in Wenge.


    • Available in a Wenge lacquered finish
    • Designed to be mixed and matched with other Tema products to create custom home environments

    Bedroom Mobile 3-Drawer Chest
    This unique and stylish storage chest from Powell furniture is part of the Z-bedroom collection. It is a true staple of the collection with its top quality heavy duty tubular steel construction and contemporary design. The dark textured black powder coated frame finish is sure to match the decor of any home, or will fit perfectly with all other Z-bedroom furniture.


    • Brushed Chrome trim
    • Machined aluminum drawer pulls
    • High sheen black poly top
    • Textured black powder coated frame finish
    • Heavy duty tubular steel construction
    • Contemporary style
    • Three functional drawers
    • Caster assembly only

    Cubic Beech Nightstand
    The Cubic Collection features a stunning combination of modern flair and classic charm. The smooth clean lines create a contemporary design, while the traditional Beech wood finish allow this collection to blend seamlessly with any home décor. This unique series is made of the highest quality particle board with melamine surface materials as well as MDF with melamine surface and veneered fronts.


    • Available in Beech finish
    • Durable melamine surface
    • Scratch, stain, and heat resistant
    • Does not fade
    • Very easy to clean
    • 2 shallow drawers on metal runners
    • Open storage underneath drawers
    • Made of non-toxic materials and is environmentally friendly

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Modern Nightstand

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Kitchen Gallery

    Combining two strong colors, red and black, painted hand-rubbed cabinets and stained patina wall cabinets creates a challenging color coordination. The inclusion of a stainless steel refrigerator helps to soften all the activity in this spacious kitchen.

    A copper hammered island countertop adds texture to the bold colors. The enormous wrought iron pot rack and the butcher block cart add to the function and bring the basics of cooking back into focus. This kitchen is full of western whimsy that creates a sunny happy feeling. When working in this room you can't stop smiling.

    A touch of the Tuscan countryside brings this area home. Creature comfort touches for the family pet, along with peak-a-boo windows near the range to view the entryway. A touch if whimsy is detailed by a rooster which brings ones thoughts back to old Italy. An oversized island allows this family ample room for all activities

    Combining clean modern lines with a bit of traditional iron makes this a gem. Unique custom door styles draw the eye to details needed in all homes. The painted smooth finishes compliment the soapstone countertops in bringing the rooms together

    This log cabin resembles a dacha in the stunning Colorado mountain landscape. The use of natural materials in this double island kitchen accentuates the surrounding beauty.

    Limestone countertops with an unfitted early English style cabinet is complemented with worn wood knobs and the antique floor. The copper hood and stainless steel appliances contrast the earthy stone for powerful results.

    It is quite the compliment to be asked to participate in a kitchen project where function of the kitchen needs to be considerate of priceless works of art. It became quite a challenge to incorporate all the requested elements to reflect the beauty of each piece, whether it was an appliance, sculpture or furniture piece. The collection of Andy Warhol originals that hang over the fireplace adds to the strength of this uniquely balanced residence, showing how form and function compliment fine art.

    Mixing overly wide stiles and rails with clean stainless steel countertops compliment the blending of Modern surfaces. Functional and abundant storage and work surfaces are a must when dealing with a minimalist modern design. The custom colored Pyrolave countertop finishes this out beautifully.

    The Dramatic, yet functional design of this kitchen captures an abundance of clean, angular lines and rich, natural materials that harmonize into a cozy atmosphere with incredible views.

    The room boasts a neutral palette with deep brown, stained alder cabinets around the perimeter and into the pantry. A slightly rubbed, painted island features raised legs and 3" thick stone counter. The horizontally placed white bronze hardware accentuates the warm tones of the space.

    The 26 six foot high cathedral ceiling with its varying beam heights and structurally necessary elements provided a challenge when designing the space. The decision to extend the cabinetry upward and terminate it under the beams created a sense of continuity with existing architectural elements. The upper glass cabinet doors lighten the visual weight and allow for additional texture.

    Irregularly stacked stone niches were created to conceal structural posts which provide a natural backdrop between adjacent rooms and allowed two additional work stations. One station being a wet bar area with under counter appliances and the other entire wall dedicated to the commercial style range and custom copper hood. The PRO 48 was the owner's only "must have" request and it is undoubtedly the most celebrated element in the kitchen.

    Cabinetry from our many selections can adapt to your every taste or desire. From Contemporary or Traditional, built in sinks or custom surrounds, it is all possible with Modern Kitchen Center.

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Kitchen Gallery

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Dormitorios infantiles compartidos

    Las literas, camas nido, muebles a medida, son buenas opciones para organizar una habitación infantil en la que dos, tres o incluso más hermanos tienen que compartir el espacio.

    Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos de habitaciones infantiles y juveniles que te servirán de ayuda a la hora de planificar la habitación de tus hijos.

    Para conseguir multiplicar el espacio para guardar y mantener en orden la habitación, puedes elegir una cama nido, y colocar un mueble a medida bajo la ventana con cajones.

    Para algunos niños, el “salto” de la cuna a la cama es demasiado grande. En estos casos, las camas extensibles son una gran ayuda para los padres. Sólo tienen 80 cm. de ancho, pero se pueden alargar (de 80 cm. a 165 cm. y 200 cm.) según vaya creciendo el niño.

    Puedes también elegir una cama nido triple como la de la foto en la que en la parte de abajo simula un frente de cajones, pero en realidad es una tercera cama.

    Para sacar partido a la altura, las literas son ideales para aprovechar el espacio vertical. Además ahora incluyen nido o cajones. Por ejemplo, puedes colocar unas literas cruzadas y aprovechar la zona inferior integrando un escritorio.

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Dormitorios infantiles compartidos

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Habitaciones infantiles con mucho color e imaginación

    Los dormitorios infantiles son una de las piezas de la casa donde más podemos dejar volar nuestra imaginación. Es importante que los más pequeños de la casa se sientan a gusto en su habitación. Para ello existen múltiples combinaciones posibles, que permiten hacer de esta estancia un lugar divertido sin olvidar la esencial funcionalidad.

    En tonos pasteles

    Una mesita con sillas de mimbre y un acogedor banco, son los lugares ideales para jugar y leer en esta habitación de niñas.

    La cama junto con la mesilla de noche y la cómoda con tonos a juego, completan esta habitación.

    Con mucho color

    Una habitación divertida. La distribución de los muebles, situados contra la pared, preservan una zona central despejada. Una alfombra delimita este espacio y lo hace más confortable para que los niños puedan jugar en el suelo.

    Inspirada en un castillo

    Este cuarto, y a la vez zona de juegos, incluye literas y lugares secretos y escondidos.

    Bomberos en la habitación

    Este camión-casa de bomberos amarilla no sólo cuenta con una cama en la parte baja, sino también con una zona de juegos alfombrada en la parte de arriba y un amplio armario. Cada elemento de esta habitación está relacionado con el tema de bomberos.

    Para los pequeños artistas

    Si tienes niños con mucha creatividad y espacio extra, organizar todas sus obras de arte es una necesidad. Esta habitación te dará algunas ideas para organizar y guardar todos sus materiales. Un organizador de tela a modo de cortina sostenido por unos ganchos y aros, es una buena opción para guardar sus materiales. La profundidad de sus bolsillos son perfectos para los lápices de colores, pinceles, bolígrafos, y bloc de notas de distintos tamaños. Una pared entera de almacenamiento y estanterías ajustables proveerá al niño el espacio necesario para poner en práctica toda su creatividad.

    Inspirado en la naturaleza

    Una colorida y alegre habitación llena de flores y divertidas abejas, mariposas y otro tipo de insectos voladores.

    Inspirado en motivos florales

    El verde lima y el morado son los colores protagonistas de esta alegre habitación que cuenta con murales de flores en las paredes y ganchos en forma de flor para las cortinas.

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Habitaciones infantiles con mucho color e imaginación

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